How do I come up with a corporate music design concept?

Concept - How do I come up with a corporate music design concept?

It’s hard to be objective about something as subjective as music. That’s why a corporate music design concept is worthwhile. It doesn’t just include a few tones or music, but a variety of audible elements that can be used strategically in communication.

A corporate music design concept is a process in which specific music is added to a product, brand or company as a typical characteristic. This can create a basis for recognition, differentiation, memorability and bonding. Just like the colors in the main lettering, the sounds of one’s identity are intentional and appropriate. They reflect and represent the company.

The use of music for branding goes beyond the project-related selection of a single melody for a video. The corporate music design concept is about not viewing the individual music elements in isolation, but rather as an audible whole. Sufficient emphasis must be placed on the concept so that the production can compose the right results.

The concept includes the analysis of the brand identity (analysis of external and internal factors which are related to the brand), the translation into acoustic-musical terms, the acoustic-musical components of a composition such as style/genre, rhythm, tempo and instrumentation as well as the musical brand image. Based on this, the transformation into the composition takes place.